PTA Forms

Welcome to the new school year with the Griebling-Memorial PTA! We are excited to meet all of our new families, and to welcome back those who are returning. The Griebling-Memorial PTA Board has been busy, all summer, working closely with Mrs. Rupp and Mr. Gredder to make 2018-2019 an amazing year for our children.
We are incredibly fortunate to have the unique opportunity to have one PTA for both Griebling and Memorial, because we can assist with a seamless transition between the sister schools. This year we are looking forward to some great new activities, like the Wizard’s Basketball Game.
As always, we need your help to make this year another success. Please join and become involved in the PTA. Our PTA meetings will be listed on the PTA Calendar.  All of our meetings will cover both schools, but we will change the location of the meetings each month, alternating between schools. Attendance at PTA meetings helps you stay involved in your child’s education by learning about the many initiatives going on in the school…straight from the school’s Administration.
Please use the links below to download the PTA membership form and committee sign up form. Please consider joining a committee that interests you. Whether you want to run a committee or just help out, there is always an opportunity for you to help.

2018-2019 member form Gm 2018-19 volunteer form GMPTA 2018-19 committee description


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